4. SmartSnippets Studio Configuration

To load the code through the GDB server, configuration modification is required in Smartsnippet Studio.

Please execute the following steps:

  1. Open Eclipse and select a project with an associated QSPI configuration, for instance the pxp_reporter sample code.

  2. Open debug configuration by selecting Debug Configurations….


  3. Select Enable auto build. This step will allow the code to be recompiled in case it has been modified.


  4. Select the Device name. Depending on the target device used, input DA14691 or DA14695 or DA14697 or DA14699


  5. Turn on Load executable.


  6. Select Debug and start debugging. The debugger should halt code execution at the main function of the target application.



Optionally, to prevent a pop-up window during the flash procedure, add a configuration. As a result, Flash operations is displayed in the Smartsnippets Studio console.
