2. Running Secure FW Images

This section describes all the steps required to run secure application images. It also gives hints and insights on how to verify the correctness of the flashed secure FW image.

2.1. Generating Product Header Settings

On top of the Dialog FW Image a special section, namely Product Header, is appended. This special area always occupies the first 0x2000 bytes of the FLASH device. It mainly contains information on the FLASH device used as well as the physical addresses of the application images. All contents of Product Header should be stored in a dedicated XML file. To generate the aforementioned configuration file follow the steps below:

  1. Run the program_qspi_config external tool from SmartSnippets Studio.

'Generating Product Header - Running External Tool'

Figure 44 Generating Product Header - Running External Tool


If the configuration file already exists, a window with the current Product Header settings will be displayed. Select either Change to modify the current settings or or click Keep to keep the current configuration values.

  1. In the pop-up window select the target family of devices and then click OK. That should be the DA1469x-00.

'Generating Product Header - Selecting Target Device'

Figure 45 Generating Product Header - Selecting Target Device

  1. In the displayed window select the FLASH device used and then click OK. Note that, the default FLASH device in the DA1469x SDK is the MX25U3235F as, it is the one used by all DA1469x Develoment Kits.

'Generating Product Header - Selecting FLASH Device'

Figure 46 Generating Product Header - Selecting Target Device

  1. Next, you will be prompted to define the address where the Active FW Image in stored in the Non-Volatile memory. Using the default SDK configurations, this location should point to 0x2000, that is, right after the location of Product Header.

'Generating Product Header - Selecting FW Image'

Figure 47 Generating Product Header - Selecting FW Image

To find out where the Active FW image is located, go to /sdk/config/partition_table.h (1) and check which partition table is utilized (2). Open the corresponding file and check the value of NVMS_FIRMWARE_PART_START (3).

'Generating Product Header - Partition Table'

Figure 48 Generating Product Header - Partition Table

  1. Finally, you will be asked to define the location of the Updated FW Image. Even if the project has SUOTA functionality enabled, since this is the FLASH programming from the tool, we set the same address value for both Updated FW Image and Active FW Image.

'Generating Product Header - Selecting FW Image'

Figure 49 Generating Product Header - Selecting FW Image

If all above steps are executed successfully, the program_qspi.xml file should now be generated in the script’s location, that is /utilities/python_scripts/qspi/.

'Generating Product Header - XML File'

Figure 50 Generating Product Header - XML File

2.2. Building Binary Application

Once the product keys are generated and burned in OTP and the secure boot feature is enabled, the device can only run encrypted and signed application images. For demonstration purposes import the freertos_retarget sample code found in the SDK and execute the following steps:

  1. Build the target application code by employing either the DA1469x-00-Release_QSPI or DA1469x-00-Debug_QSPI build configuration.

'Building Binary Application - Building Application'

Figure 51 Building Binary Application - Building Application

  1. Once the building process is complete run the secure_img_prog_xxx external tool. There are two flavors for running the tool, either by employing the serial port or JTAG interface.

'Building Binary Application - Running External Tool'

Figure 52 Building Binary Application - Running External Tool

The aforementioned tool is responsible for the following:

  • The application image is encrypted using a valid symmetric key. Which product key is used for encrypting the FW image is defined in secure_cfg.xml


The same key is used for decrypting the application image.

  • A digital signature is generated based on the application image and a valid private key. This signature is used by the booter to verify the validity of the FW image before running it. Which product key is used for generating the digital signature is defined in secure_cfg.xml


The corresponding public key will be used for authenticating the signed application image.

  • Two special sections namely Product Header and Image Header are generated based on program_qspi.xml and secure_cfg.xml respectively

  • If all above steps are executed successfully the generated Dialog FW Image is downloaded in to the FLASH device

  1. Connect the target device to the host PC and press the RESET button on the ProDev Kit in order for the device to start running the application image.

  2. Open a serial terminal using 8-N-1 serial parameters. The special character # should be printed every 1 second.

'Building Binary Application - Serial Console'

Figure 53 Building Binary Application - Serial Console

2.3. Verifying Secure Image

Once the encrypted and signed application image is downloaded into the FLASH device, one can inspect the contents of Image Header as well as Product Header. There are two main methods for accessing the FLASH device; the first option is via SmartSnippets Toolbox and the section option is through the CLI programmer tool. For this tutorial, the former option is demonstrated. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Welcome page of SmartSnippets Studio select the SmartSnippets Toolbox section and then create a new instance.

  2. Switch to the QSPI Layout Controller window and click Connect, located at the bottom side, to connect to the target device. Log messages should be displayed on the Log window.

    1. A cursor should start rotating, waiting for the device to reboot.

    2. Press the RESET button on the ProDev Kit in order for the uartboot (secondary boot loader) to be downloaded into the FLASH device.

    3. Once the downloading process is complete the cursor should stop rotating.

'Verifying Secure Image - Reading Image Parameters'

Figure 54 Verifying Secure Image - Reading Image Parameters

  1. Select Read, located at the bottom side, to read the contents of Product Header as well as Image Header. A cursor will start rotating, designating that a read operation is in progress. Once the cursor stops rotating, the read data should be displayed.

  2. Verify that Product Header is written with parameter values as provided in program_qspi.xml.

  3. Verify that Image Header is written with parameter values as provided in secure_cfg.xml. This section is divided into two main areas; the first area is called Security and contains information used on the product keys. The second area is called Device Administration and contains information on the revoked product keys.

'Verifying Secure Image - Reading Image Header'

Figure 55 Verifying Secure Image - Reading Image Header


If there are no product keys revoked, the Length of Device entry part of Device Administration should be set to zero.


Accessing the device is not possible once the SWD port as well as Development Mode are disabled.

The following two pictures illustrate the FLASH memory layout after flashing a Dialog application image:

'Verifying Secure Image - Dialog Product Header Layout'

Figure 56 Verifying Secure Image - Dialog Product Header Layout

'Verifying Secure Image - Dialog Image Header Layout'

Figure 57 Verifying Secure Image - Dialog Image Header Layout

2.4. Generating Secure SUOTA Image

A secure SUOTA image is a binary file, with a proper header appended on top of the application image, that is encrypted and signed. This secure image can be sent to a target device from an Android or iOS device. To prepare a secure SUOTA image the mkimage.py script should be invoked. The script requires the following input parameters:

  1. The location of product_keys.xml.

  2. The location of secure_cfg.xml.

  3. The location of sw_version.h

  4. The location of the binary file itself.

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Python Script'

Figure 58 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Python Script

Running a script via a terminal/serial console can be quite tricky, especially if the input parameters required are lengthy. Currently, SmartSnippets Studio does not provide any external tool/launcher that can be used to generate the secure SUOTA image quickly and safely. This section provides the steps required to create a new external tool intended to produce secure SUOTA images. To do so, execute the following steps:

  1. In the SmartSnippets Studio go to External Tools Configurations…

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Opening External Tool Configurations'

Figure 59 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Opening External Tool Configurations

  1. In the External Tools Configurations window, select New launch configuration.

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Creating External Tool Instantiation'

Figure 60 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Creating External Tool Instantiation

  1. Once the new Instantiation is created, configure all parameters as illustrated below:

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring External Tool Instantiation'

Figure 61 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring External Tool Instantiation

Below is the script invoked to create a secure SUOTA image along with its input parameters:

"mkimage.py" "${project_loc}/${config_name:${project_name}}/${project_name}.bin"
"--sw_version"  "${project_loc}/sw_version.h"
"--prod_id" "DA1469x-00"
"-s"  "${scripts_loc}/secure_image/secure_cfg.xml"
"--prod_keys"  "${scripts_loc}/secure_image/product_keys.xml"

  1. In the External Tools Configurations window, click Variables… (1).

  2. In the Select Variable window, click Edit Variables… (2).

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Editing Variables'

Figure 62 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Editing Variables

  1. In the Preferences window, click New (3).

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Declaring New Variables'

Figure 63 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Declaring New Variables


Make sure that configName match the selected build configurations. For instance, DA1469x-00-Release-QSPI or DA1469x-00-Release-QSPI-SUOTA. If this is not the case, select the aforementioned variable and then click Edit… to change its value.

  1. In the New String Substitution Variable window, give an name (4) for the new variable as illustrated below:

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Assigning Variable Name'

Figure 64 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Assigning Variable Name

  1. Click Browse… (5) and search the location of the python_scripts project. Once the file is selected, click OK (8).

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Assigning Variable Value'

Figure 65 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Assigning Variable Value

  1. The newly declared variable should now be displayed in the String Substitution section part of the Preferences window. To continue select OK. (9)

  2. In the Select Variable window click OK (10).

  3. In the External Tools Configurations window, switch to the Build area and unclick Build before launch.

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring Build Settings'

Figure 66 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring Build Settings

  1. In the External Tools Configurations window, switch to the Common area and select the following:

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring Common Settings'

Figure 67 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Configuring Common Settings

  1. In the External Tools Configuration window, select Apply (11) and then Close (12).

  2. The newly created launcher should now be visible in the external tools section.

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Verifying External Tool Generation'

Figure 68 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Verifying External Tool Generation


The sw_version.h file should be placed under the main application’s path. In addition, both secure_cfg.xml and product_keys.xml should be placed in /utilities/python_scripts/secure_image/. If any of the above files are located at a different path, the input parameters of the external tool should be changed accordingly.

  1. Run the launcher and verify that the secure SUOTA image is generated under the DA1469x-00-xxx-QSPI-xxx folder’s path. The suffix of the new FW image name should match the SW_VERSION macro declared in sw_version.h. For instance, freertos_retarget.

'Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Verifying Secure SUOTA Image'

Figure 69 Generating Secure SUOTA Image - Verifying Secure SUOTA Image