3. Verification

Once the application image is downloaded into the FLASH device, open a new instance of SmartSnippets Studio and execute the following steps:

  1. Switch to the QSPI Partition Table window located under the Tools bar menu.

'QSPI Flash Window'

Figure 10 QSPI Flash Window

  1. In the QSPI Partition Table, click Connect (1).

    1. A cursor should start rotating waiting for the device to reboot.

    2. Press the RESET button on the DA1469x daughterboard and wait for the SmartSnippets Toolbox to connect to the target chip.

'Reading Partition Table'

Figure 11 Reading Partition Table

  1. Once connected, the cursor should stop rotating.

  2. Click Read (2) and wait until the partition table used is displayed.

'Connecting to the Partition Table'

Figure 12 Connecting to the Partition Table